Scheduling your first appointment is a big step.  If you have never seen a therapist (or even if you have) going to your appointment can be very anxiety producing.  We want to tell you exactly what to expect so that hopefully you can reduce fears and concerns.  When you arrive at the office if you have not already filled out your intake forms in the client portal we will have them waiting on a clip board with your appointment time on the front page (not your name so that your confidentiality is held).  The forms typically take about 20-30 minutes to fill out, please schedule for this as we will not be able to begin your appointment until they are finished..  

When you arrive please come in and have a seat in the waiting area located at the end of the hallway, there is a restroom available for use and you may help yourself to coffee or tea.  Your provider will come and greet you at your appointment time and have you come into their office.  They will then introduce themselves and look over your paperwork to make sure it is all completed.  Your provider will request your insurance card to make a copy and/or discuss your preferred method of payment for private pay or insurance co-pay/deductible if applicable.   They will then inform you of limits of confidentiality, mandatory reporting and consent for treatment.  (This is all required by law).  After this, your provider will ask if you have any questions and explain that the first session is not like any other therapy session.  The “intake” is your provider asking you a lot of questions about you and your life.  Your provider will ask about mood, sleep, family, general history and a few other things.  At the end of the session, general recommendations will be discussed which could include meeting weekly or bi-monthly and/or may include giving you referrals/recommendations for other services.  If you and your provider both agree, you will set up a follow up appointment. 

If you have scheduled your first appointment with a provider and have not received a link to the client portal to fill out intake forms please contact us and request a client portal link